Intelligent Manufacturing with

APS, MES and IoT Systems

A comprehensive, intuitive manufacturing management platform that integrates advanced planning and scheduling (APS), manufacturing execution systems (MES), and intelligent machine communication (IoT) solutions. The specialized knowledge and experience of our experts will help your company make a smooth transition to digital transformation and gain a competitive edge.

PSIpenta/MES - a comprehensive platform supporting production management


Tym się zajmujemy Moduły systemu

APS - Capable of creating a production schedule for multiple products and orders in a very short time, synchronizing and optimizing the production flow in terms of changeovers, for example. The production schedule in APS is based on information about orders, technology, resource and material availability, and feedback from production, allowing its current status to be checked at any time and updated immediately if necessary.

MES - Provides immediate feedback on the actual progress of production, allowing the company to monitor the technological process from any location and any device. Data is collected from machines through automation components and from production stations through operator-operated terminals. The collected data allow to measure the actual course of the production process and serve as a basis for activities related to its improvement.

IoT - collects information directly from individual machines and devices and then visualizes it. This enables real-time control and optimal use of infrastructure potential, as well as immediate response to emerging irregularities or failures.

POM - Production Order Management supports the management of technological data of products - both routes and recipes (BOM). This data, together with demand information (orders, work orders, forecasts), forms the basis for generating appropriate production orders, which are then scheduled within APS.

QMS - Quality Management System is an MES-integrated quality management module that allows defining, recording and evaluating the quality characteristics of products and semi-finished products. It provides precise data about quality problems, indicating their location, time, responsible persons and possible causes.

TMS - Tool Management System enables the management of tools and equipment. It provides information on the availability and location of tools and their level of wear, forming the basis for a detailed production plan. The integration of TMS with APS and MES (Advanced Production Scheduling and Manufacturing Execution System) automates internal logistics and ensures the supply of the required tools to the workstations.

MI - Manufacturing Intelligence is a set of reports and analyses based on the data collected in MES, IoT, QMS, TMS, allowing for further improvement of the production process. In addition to OEE and OLE analyses, the most frequently used are analyses of the reasons for downtimes, causes of losses (quality losses) and verification of the quality of technological data (comparison of standards with the actual production execution).

Moduły systemu

Flexible production management system that adaptsto the changing needs of your company

Customer challenges before implementation

  • Labor-intensive and error-prone planning in spreadsheets or limited ERP modules
  • Inefficient use of potential due to lack of analysis of routes and machine park efficiency
  • Issues with on-time deliveries and rapid response to changing priorities
  • Limited bottleneck analysis, hindering process optimization
  • Information chaos caused by the lack of a single source of truth – an always up-to-date production schedule
Wyzwania klientów przed wdrożeniem

Let's talk about production in your company

Contact us!

What benefits will the implementation of PSIpenta/MES bring

increase in plant efficiency

Increase in plant efficiency - through maximizing resource utilization and identifying bottlenecks.

time savings

Time savings - check resource availability and create an optimal schedule in seconds.

significant improvement in communication

Significant improvement in communication - multiple planners can collaborate on the schedule in real-time.

shorter delivery times

Shorter delivery times - thanks to rapid response to priority changes and scenario creation.

KPI analysis for management

KPI analysis for management - including useful OLE and OEE reports.

security and support

Security and support - thanks to the experienced and competent PSI team, providing support at every stage of the project.

on-time delivery

production costs


Proces wdrożeniaThe software implementation process


Phase I - Concept

  • We conduct a preliminary audit in the company to develop a concept for improving the production management process.
  • We assess the company's readiness for transformation, define risks, and determine the budget.

Phase II - Prototype

  • In the next step, we prepare a system prototype to test it "in the real-life environment" of the company. In the target work environment, we define requirements with the user and test hypotheses.

Phase III - Development

  • Based on the tests and verification of the prototype, we develop the final concept and the definitive scope of the project.

Phase IV - Implementation

  • We implement the system in the company after the user selects one of two paths: Quick Start or Enterprise.

What does the PSIpenta/MES system prototype offer the user?

In most projects, the definition of requirements and the creation of ways to meet them take place during meetings in conference rooms, where processes and their handling are theoretically considered.

Very often, when future users interact with the system in practice, they realize that some of the reported requirements are not actually necessary, and others can be implemented differently – hence the importance of later change management procedures. Another pitfall of this approach, leading to the need for changes in the project (scope, schedule, and budget changes), is poor communication and a lack of understanding between both parties (supplier and client).

Prototyp PSIpenta/MES
Wyzwania klientów przed wdrożeniem

To avoid the above issues, in the case of PSIpenta/MES, we use a prototype, which is a functional system installed in the client's environment. The system prototype allows testing of proposed hypotheses in practice. Theoretical discussions about whether production management process improvements will be ergonomic and deliver the expected results are continuously verified in practice.

From the very beginning of the project, the client participates in adapting the prototype to their needs. This collaboration helps the client build technical competencies that will enable them to further develop the system independently.

Two types of implementation Quick Start and EnterpriseTwo implementation paths:
Quick Start and Enterprise

In response to customer needs, we have prepared two implementation paths for the PSIpenta/MES system: Quick Start and Enterprise. The first is intended for customers who want to start using the system quickly and do not require a high degree of customization. The Enterprise implementation is designed for customers with very complex processes who expect a tailored approach.

Start your transformation towards Industry 4.0.
Quick Start
Quick Start
implementation time up to 3 months
  • standard system, minimal customization
  • implementation time maximally reduced
  • large number of resources and operations (below 50,000)
  • two-way integration with ERP system
Read more
implementation time up to 12 months
  • high degree of system customization, personalized approach
  • implementation time is not the highest priority
  • very large number of resources and operations (over 50,000 active operations)
  • two-way integration with ERP system and other IT systems within the company
Read more

Quick Start or Enterprise?

Find the recommended implementation path in 3 minutes

System zarządzania produkcją w firmie

Production management system in the company – MES | APS | IoT software

What is an APS system?
APS (Advanced Planning and Scheduling) is a production management system for manufacturing enterprises, used for planning and scheduling production orders. The system uses advanced algorithms that can quickly create a schedule, considering resource capabilities, including machine and equipment production capacities. This helps significantly reduce the workload for planners.
What is a MES system?
A MES (Manufacturing Execution System) communicates with the production area (e.g., APS). Its purpose is to collect real-time data on machine operation and production status directly from the shop floor. With MES, production progress information is available on demand from any location and device. This provides managers with the necessary information to make business decisions. MES allows control over production by monitoring the shop floor and workflow, and its efficiency reports enable further production process improvements.
What is a SCADA system used for?
SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) oversees, controls, and collects data from production machines and devices. The collected data is visualized and presented to system users. SCADA enables rapid response to machine malfunctions or product quality issues, reporting failures, and quick corrective actions. The data collected allows for optimal resource use, improved product quality, and more efficient production management.
How to choose an effective APS system?
Investing in an IT tool for production planning and scheduling increases efficiency and quality of work, saves time for those involved, and reduces the risk of errors. A good APS system should not only focus on machine and operator resources but also consider production technology, inventory levels, raw material consumption, and delivery timelines. A clear Gantt chart visualization is crucial for planners. When choosing the right APS system, key factors include modern technology, user-friendly interface, easy integration, and, most importantly, an experienced implementation team to support the project.
What to consider when choosing a MES system?
When selecting a MES system, it's important to ensure compatibility with higher-level systems like ERP to manage all processes comprehensively. The MES system should support resource management and production control by collecting data directly from machines in real-time. Performance, modularity, and expandability of the system as the company grows are also key factors to consider.
Does a company need MES and APS if it already has an ERP system?
These systems serve different purposes. ERP manages enterprise processes, from administration to warehouse and production, but it may not be sufficient for detailed production needs. APS and MES systems fill the gap between ERP and the shop floor. APS handles production order planning, while MES monitors actual production using data from machines or employee terminals. These systems should work together, with ERP providing order and resource data, APS generating a detailed schedule, and MES feeding real-time production data back into the process for optimization.
What benefits does PSIpenta/MES offer?
PSIpenta/MES integrates APS, MES, and SCADA for complete production management. Real-time production tracking and advanced scheduling algorithms using AI and machine learning provide cost reductions of up to 20% and improve delivery timelines. The system also increases production efficiency by up to 10%, saves employee time, and includes quality control via the integrated QMS module. Additionally, it offers comprehensive support from the experienced PSI team throughout the project.
Who is PSIpenta/MES designed for?
PSIpenta/MES is suitable for large, medium, and small companies. We offer two implementation paths: Quick Start for smaller companies with fewer than 50,000 active operations per month, and Enterprise for larger companies with more complex needs, offering a more customized approach and implementation in up to 12 months.
What sets PSIpenta/MES apart from other solutions?
PSIpenta/MES is the only system combining MES, APS, and SCADA functionalities. Its advanced planning and control are driven by AI and machine learning, and its click-design interface allows customization. It provides a centralized platform for efficient production management and decision-making.
How much does production management software cost?
The cost of implementation depends on factors such as company size, production process complexity, and the system's functional scope. Costs range from tens to hundreds of thousands of euros, covering licensing, implementation, and customization.
What are the requirements for implementing PSIpenta/MES?
To implement PSIpenta/MES, companies need the right IT infrastructure and complete, accurate production data. Coordination between the ERP provider, the PSIpenta/MES implementation partner, and the client is crucial, and employees must be trained to use the system effectively.
How can your company prepare for the implementation?
To prepare for implementation, it's important to analyze and optimize current production processes, ensure complete data sets, and gradually digitize and automate processes. Having accurate data on resources, products, and workflows is essential for a successful deployment.

See how PSIpenta/MES helps make business decisions and increase production efficiency



Aleksander Faleńczyk

Sales Director for Production Systems

Michał Żelichowski

Director, Business Development & Product Management


Question 1/7

What industry does your company operate in?
Please select one of the options to proceed.

Question 2/7

What tools do you currently use for scheduling?
Please select one of the options to proceed.

Question 3/7

What improvements are you most interested in?
Please select one of the options to proceed.

Question 4/7

How many machines/devices are used in your production?
Please select one of the options to proceed.

Question 5/7

What is the estimated number of operations per month?
"Please select one of the options to proceed.

Question 6/7

How much time can you devote to implementation?
Please select one of the options to proceed.

Question 7/7

What budget do you plan to allocate to a production system?
Please select one of the options to proceed.

Thank you for your time!

We preliminarily recommend the implementation path:

Would you like to see a live demonstration of how the PSIpenta/MES system works? Fill out the form, and we will contact you to schedule a no-obligation presentation.


Sales Director for Production Systems


Director, Business Development & Product Management

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Formularz Produkcja 2