Co-financed by European Funds Innovative Projects

We invest in the development of PSI software, allocating over 14% of our revenue to R&D. Some of the projects are carried out with the support of EU funds.
Innovative Projects - Co-financed by European Funds

Currently Implemented Projects

Warehouse Intelligence

PSI Polska Sp. z o.o. is implementing a project titled:

"Warehouse Intelligence - an environment for analysis, planning, and optimization of intralogistics processes based on artificial intelligence algorithms" within the framework of the Operational Program Intelligent Development for the years 2014 - 2020, Action 1.1 R&D projects of enterprises, Subaction 1.1.1 Industrial research and development works carried out by enterprises.

Project Objective

The goal of the PSI Polska project is to develop an innovative global-scale product, Warehouse Intelligence - an environment for the analysis, planning, and optimization of intralogistics processes based on artificial intelligence algorithms.

Project Value: PLN 4,837,308.66

Contribution of European Funds: PLN 2,832,823.27

AI algorithms at the LPP Distribution Centre

See on the blog

Leak Detection and Localization System for Multiphase Pipelines

PSI Polska Sp. z o.o. is implementing a project titled:

"Leak Detection and Localization System for Multiphase Pipelines" within the framework of the Operational Program Intelligent Development for the years 2014 - 2020, Action 1.1 R&D projects of enterprises, Subaction 1.1.1 Industrial research and development works carried out by enterprises.

Within the project, an innovative real-time leak detection and localization system for multiphase pipelines will be developed. The system will consist of three components: (1) LDS server; (2) Central Data Repository (CDR); and (3) Analytical Services Center (ASC), which will constitute a complete algorithmic and analytical backbone of the system.

Project Value: PLN 6,501,031.99

Contribution of European Funds: PLN 3,153,544.20

Warehouse Intelligence 2

PSI Polska Sp. z o.o. is implementing a project titled:

Expansion of the platform for analysis, planning, and optimization of intralogistics processes – Warehouse Intelligence as a response to the challenges associated with the digitization of the industry.

Project Objective

The goal of the project is the technical and functional expansion of the Warehouse Intelligence platform. The technical aspects include improving the efficiency of the platform and increasing the accuracy of simulated logistics processes. The functional development involves the development of artificial intelligence algorithms for optimizing goods issuance processes (including intelligent batching, prediction of ABC turnover changes), and advanced algorithms for planning warehouse human resources.

Project Value: PLN 6,855,536.84

Contribution of European Funds: PLN 3,867,838.40

Watch the video about Artificial Intelligence in the warehouse

Learn about the benefits and see the Warehouse Intelligence software in practice.

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