PSI Poland is a strategic partner of seminar on virtual power plants

The one-day meeting will be held 28.02 in Częstochowa, Poland. Representatives of PSI Poland will present a lecture entitled "Virtual Power Plants - new tools for new opportunities".

PSI Polska partnerem strategicznym seminarium o wirtualnych elektrowniach

This year's seminar "Virtual power plants, energy storage and energy cooperatives" is the second edition of the event. The meeting will be held at the Technical University of Czestochowa, in the main auditorium of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Partners of the event include Dresden University of Technology, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and the The Polish Economic Chamber of Renewable and Distributed Energy. Join us on our lecture "Virtual Power Plants - new tools for new opportunities," during which representatives of PSI Poland will present the most important aspects and methods of effective management of virtual power plants.